Reuse Models & Systems

A national shift to reuse is possible.

Across Closed Loop Partners and our Center for the Circular Economy, we are testing and investing in reusable packaging models in order to accelerate their pathway to scale. We see reuse as a critical tool to addressing the packaging waste challenge, reducing the need to extract finite resources and keeping valuable materials in play.

We bring together brands, policymakers, innovators and NGO’s in a holistic platform to innovate, test, build and scale successful reuse systems, including the development of infrastructure, shaping consumer behavior, guiding policy and forging pre-competitive collaboration.


Explore key highlights from our insights on reuse below.

Infrastructure & Operations

In-Market Testing

Consumer Behavior


Why reuse?

In today’s world, we create, buy, use and then ultimately dispose of a lot of stuff. This wastes energy, money and precious limited natural resources. Reuse and refill models play a critical role in extending the lifespan of valuable materials, moving away from linear material flows to circular flows that capture the long-term value of resources.

We’re seeing multiple factors driving reuse: the urgency of the climate crisis and pressure from environmentally conscious consumers; growing regulatory pressures in the U.S., including single-use plastic bans in California, New York and Hawaii; business incentives as the economic case for resource efficiency becomes increasingly clear; and emerging technological developments enabling the tracking of reuse.

Explore the reuse solutions that we have invested in or accelerated below.