Research and analysis

Unleashing the Economic and Environmental Potential for Food Waste Composting in the U.S.: A Guide for Investors, Policymakers and the Compost Industry

Less than 4% of the 66 million tons of total food waste generated by Americans annually is composted in the U.S. This gap presents a critical opportunity for investors, policymakers and the composting industry.

This report by the Composting Consortium dives deep into the current state of food waste composting infrastructure in the U.S., explores investment opportunities and offers policy recommendations to accelerate the scaling of this critical infrastructure. Our focus centers on commercial-scale composting facilities with the capacity to accept the most complex organics streams, including post-consumer food scraps alongside food-contact compostable packaging.

A Guide for Investment in Composting Infrastructure

This report, developed with investors, policymakers and composters in mind, delves into the current state of the industry, breaks down the basics of the composting business model and offers investment recommendations to support the scale up of food waste composting infrastructure in the United States.

Download the report here